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廖义刚 (江西财经大学 会计学院江西 南昌330013) 
中文关键词:高质量审计  债务治理代理  成本代理效率
High Quality Audit Help and the Governance Effect of Bebt—— Evidence from the View of Agency Cost and Agency Efficiency
Abstract:Selecting the listed companies from 2007 to 2010 in China's A share market as samples, the problem whether high quality audit can improve the debt management has been researched from the view of agency cost and agency efficiency. It is found that there is some effect between high quality audit and short term debt, which improve agency efficiency while increase agency cost at the same time. And this kind of effect only can be found in listed companies in area with well developed finance. Moreover, it is found that high quality audit can improve agency efficiency by optimize the commercial credit management in the listed companies in area with well developed legal system. Therefore, the effect factors of improving debt management have been discovered.
keywords:High quality audit  Debt governance mechanism  Agency efficiency
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