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段白鸽,张连增 (1.复旦大学 经济学院,上海20433
2.南开大学 经济学院天津300071) 
中文关键词:分层模型  索赔准备金评估  纵向数据  信度理论增长曲线
Non-linear Hierarchical Growth Curve Models for Claims Reserving
Abstract:The longitudinal characteristics of repeated measurements over time of loss for a given accident year in the loss runoff triangles has been considered in the paper. And the loss runoff triangles is regarded as hierarchical data. Then combined with the growth curves of loss development process, two non-linear hierarchical growth curve models of claims reserving are proposed in the paper, the first is called the hierarchical models based on loss development factors, and the second is called the hierarchical models based on Cape Cod assumption. Some numerical illustrations from actuarial practice are provided using R software. The proposed non-linear hierarchical growth curve models provide a natural and flexible framework to model loss development across multiple accident years. The method of non-linear growth curves together with hierarchical modeling techniques not only allows one to build models that are easy to understand, but also incorporates the growth curves into hierarchical modeling so as to effectively avoid the choices of tail development factors.
keywords:Hierarchical models  Claims reserving  Longitudinal data  Growth curve
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