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李小明,吴倩 (湖南大学 法学院湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:滥用市场支配地位  认定标准  表现形式  法律责任
Comparative Study of Abuse of Dominant Position between Australia and China
Abstract:As one of three pillars of anti-monopoly law, abuse of dominant position takes an absolute important position in the act. The differentiated legislature exists between in Australia and in China. The presumption system is not regulated in Australian act, which is different with Chinese ones. Fault liability is acted in Australian law, but strict ones in Chinese act. Actually, the punishment in Australian is much stricter than that in China. Chinese regulation of abuse of dominant position should keep fault and strict liability, and increase the efforts of punishment. Criminal liability is suggested to be included.
keywords:Abuse of dominant position  Defined standard  Forms of performance  Legal liability
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