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刘朝,刘沁薇,王赛君 (湖南大学 工商管理学院湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:情绪劳动  情绪表现规则  表现规则感知
An Empirical Study on the Effect of Emotional Display Rules to Emotional Labor of Counter Service Employees in Banks
Abstract:Emotional labor is one of important areas in organizational management of service companies. Through empirical studying of emotional display rules and emotional labor on the counters in banks, it is found that display rules to express positive emotions was significantly positively related to both deep action and surface action. However, display rules to suppress negative emotions has positive effect on surface action, but has negative effect on deep action. The relationship between display rule to express positive emotions and deep action was stronger than that between display rule to express positive emotions and surface action. The relationship between display rule to suppress negative emotions and surface action were stronger than that between display rule to suppress negative emotions and deep action.
keywords:Emotional labor  Emotional display rules  Emotional display rules perceptions
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