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刘正桥,张亚斌 (1.湖南大学 经济与贸易学院湖南 长沙4100792.湖南涉外经济学院 商学院湖南 长沙410205) 
中文关键词:交通基础设施  投资经济增长  农业部门产出  非农部门产出
Transportation Infrastructure and Rural Economic Growth in China
Abstract:As a leading investment, infrastructure, especially transportation infrastructure, plays a key role in economic growth such as the development of rural economy. C-D Production Function and penal data for 29 provinces from the year 1990 to 2009 are used to estimate how transportation infrastructure affect agricultural outcome. The results show that the elasticity of transportation infrastructure is 0.0327. Besides, compared with that of other regions, the effects of transportation infrastructure in central region on economic growth are the most. The improvement of transportation infrastructure is not only good for central region but also good for the whole nation; the estimation of penal data from non-agricultural departments shows the effects from transportation infrastructure are not significant.
keywords:Transportation infrastructure  Economic growth  Agricultural outcome  Non-agricultural outcome
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