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刘朝阳,刘振彪 (中南大学 商学院,湖南 长沙410083) 
中文关键词:行为博弈论  税收遵从  纳税人  均衡模型
A Behavioral Game Analysis of Taxpayer's Tax compliance
Abstract:This tax compliance harmonious model basing on behavioral game is constructed. Regarding the taxpayers in a certain condition alike tax circumstances as a colony, a taxpayer selects tax compliance strategy can be treated a probability from the point of the colony of the taxpayers. Confronted with circumstances in which the normal tax administration checking and the strict tax administration checking coexist, a taxpayer's tax compliance game stable strategy-making not only depends on taxation particularity, but also depends on the tax compliance strategy of other taxpayers. According to formation mechanism of tax compliance game balance, some suggestions have been provided about establishing the encouragement and monitoring system in tax compliance.
keywords:Behavioral game theory  Tax compliance  Taxpayer  Balance model
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