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邹丽丽 (辽宁大学 哲学与公共管理学院辽宁 沈阳110036) 
中文关键词:养老保险  财政  公平
Study on Financial Capacity to Support after the Pension Insurance Coverage Expanded: A Case Study of Liaoning Province
Abstract:Finance is the material foundation of pension insurance. Pension insurance that exceeded the burden of finance is unsustainable. And there will be a major constraint to the economic and social's development. Through the forecast we found that financial situation of social pooling pension is not improved by expanding the coverage of pension insurance under the background of aging population. Pension gap will exist throughout the forecast period, and it will go beyond the financial capacity in the worst situation. Reforming the pension system will be helpful to alleviate the financial pressure and ensure the healthy operation of the system.
keywords:Pension insurance  Finance  Equality
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