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陈果 (湖南大学 法学院,湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:商事信托  商事组织  资产分割
Research on Juristical Structure of Commercial Trust
Abstract:As a form of business organization, Commercial trust divides formal ownership form substance, separates responsibility from benefits, burdens responsibilities and risks together of the trustee. Then commercial organizations can be financed agilely in their business. And beneficiary achieves their trust incomes. Commercial trust benefits from partition of assets. Then commercial organizations independently gain owners or managers assets. They could manage the assets and trade with the third party on their own name, and possess an independent legal relationship with each other, and undertake independent legal responsibility. Commercial organizations should have independent legal subject status. This is the future trend of developing our country commercial trust and of perfection of commercial organization law.
keywords:Commercial trust  Commercial organization  Partition of assets
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