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江红莉,何建敏,庄亚明 (1.江苏大学 财经学院,江苏 镇江212013
2.东南大学 经管学院江苏 南京211189) 
中文关键词:跳跃随机波动模型  全国社保基金  蒙特卡洛马尔科夫链  贝叶斯因子
The Analysis of the National Social Security Fund Volatility based on the Extended SV Jump Model
Abstract:The traditional SV(stochastic volatility) jump model is extend by adding covariates into the log-volatility equation, and a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm is constructed to estimate parameters. Then the extended SV jump model is used to analyze the volatility character of the National Social Security Fund. It is found that, firstly, the extended SV jump model is much better than the models of SV-N, SV-T,SV-M, leverage SV and traditional SV jump; Secondly, the yield of NSSF has a significant jump character and the probability of jumping is high; Thirdly, when the log volatility ratio of fund Shigekura rises 1%,the log volatility ratio of the National Social Security Fund will rise 0.5188%.
keywords:SV jump model  National Social Security Fund(NSSF)  Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)  Bayes factor
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