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潘克勤 (河南财经政法大学 会计学院,河南 郑州450002) 
中文关键词:银根紧缩  实际控制人政治身份  季度银行贷款  季度投资效率
Political Connections, Loan Contract, and Its Investment Efficiency: An Empirical Study under the Background of Monetary Restraint
Abstract:Considering the political status of actual controllers, empirical analysis on the relationship of loan and the investment efficiency has been done under the dynamic of central bank financial policies. It is found that: companies hardly borrow money from banks under the monetary restraint, however, companies which have political connection can get needed money much easier, especially in the districts with week political interactions. And those companies usually increase their quarterly investment efficiency after they get the loans. Therefore, it is concluded that political connection can improve the investment efficiency at the places with week political interactions.
keywords:Monetary restraint  The political status of actual controllers  Quarterly loans  Quarterly investment efficiency
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