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刘宛晨,苏林,陈艺丹 (湖南大学 经济与贸易学院 湖南 长沙410079) 
中文关键词:结构性减税  财政政策  税制优化  宏观税负  制度保障
The Policy and Strategy of Structural Tax Cuts in China
Abstract:Implementation of structural tax cuts is not only the effective means to promote stable economic growth in the current economic downturn, but also the main way to optimize the tax structure and reduce the macro tax burden in China. Because of the contradiction between tax collection target and structural tax reduction policy, China should further improve the collection and management philosophy and strengthen the legal construction of tax collection and management.
keywords:Structural tax cuts  Fiscal policy  Optimizing the tax institution  Macro tax burden  Institutional
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