产 权 性 质 与 IPO 机 会
引用本文:章铁生,林钟高,刘晓瑜.产 权 性 质 与 IPO 机 会[J].财经理论与实践,2013,(1):57-62
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章铁生,林钟高,刘晓瑜 (安徽工业大学 管理学院安徽 马鞍山243002) 
中文关键词:经济转型  产权性质  IPO机会
The Nature of Property Right and IPO Chance
Abstract:Taking the IPO in 2006 to 2009 as samples, research has been done to discover the influence from the nature of property right to IPO chance. The results show that there is no significant effect. It means that the state enterprises reform has almost finished, and the capital market in China has stepped into a new stage in which there is no property right discrimination.
keywords:Economic transformation  Nature of property right  IPO chance
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