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张瑞锋,汪同三 (中国社会科学院 数量经济与技术经济研究所北京100732) 
中文关键词:高频数据  金融市场  波动溢出
Volatility Spillover Analysis on the Financial Market Based on the High Frequency Data
Abstract:iming at the high frequency data in the financial markets, based on the study of Realized Volatility and Realized covariance, the Structural change of Realized volatility has been introduced, and the correlation coefficient of "realized" volatility for the grading data has been calculated, then volatility spillover in the financial markets has been studied through testing whether the correlation coefficient of Realized volatility has significant changes around the structure point, and conducts the empirical analysis.
keywords:High frequency data  Financial markets  Volatility spillover
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