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黄树青,王婷婷,吴敬 (1.天津财经大学 金融系天津300222
2.天津财经大学 统计系,天津300222) 
中文关键词:房地产价格  通货膨胀  关联  影响因素
The Real Estate Price and Inflation Fluctuations and Their Affecting Factors
Abstract:Based on 1999~2011 quarterly data, in this paper considering the exogenous policy variables, the multivariate SVAR model is used to check the correlation between real estate prices and inflation as well as their influencing factors. Our study shows that: Linkage relationship does exist between China's real estate prices and inflation. In addition, the relationship is influenced by the combined effect of level of liquidity, industrial capacity, interest rates, market expectations, wage levels, regulatory policies and other factors. Among them monetary factor is the most important one. There is a long time lag in the macro-control policies upon the real estate, which means it is better to adhere to the policies for a long time.
keywords:Real estate prices  Inflation  Relationship  Factors
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