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陈晓红,陈石 (中南大学 商学院,湖南 长沙410083) 
中文关键词:信息化与工业化融合  企业效益  门槛回归
Research on Enterprise Benefit Differences based on the Integration of Industrialization and Informationization: From the Survey of Manufacturing Enterprises
Abstract:From the perspective of the integration of industrialization and informationization, empirical analysis has been done to compare the enhance capability of economical and social performances of state-owned enterprises and private enterprises. The empirical results show that the integration is good to both kinds of enterprises to improve their efficiency. From the view of economical efficiency, the improvement of informationization gives much push to the marginal contribution of the private enterprises, while from the social efficiency, the improvement of informationization gives much help to the marginal contribution of the state-owned enterprises. The intellectual property protection system should be established.
keywords:The integration of industrialization and informationization  Enterprise efficiency  Threshold regression
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