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刘细良,吴林生 (湖南大学 政治与公共管理学院湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:规制经济学  农村环境污染  低碳经济  环境规制工具
The Pollution of Rural Environment and the Innovation of Rural Environmental Regulation Tools Set at Low-carbon Era: From the Perspective of Regulatory Economics
Abstract:Due to the increasingly growth of pollutions from energy consumption, domestic garbage, agricultural production, township enterprises production, and the town's transferring, the development and living of the rural society have been the heavily threatened and affected. It is eager for using regulatory economics theories to prevent the environmental pollution in China rural areas at low-carbon era. It becomes a pressing practical demands to explore how to innovate command-control environmental regulation tools, market-incentive environmental regulation tools , and voluntary environmental regulation tools
keywords:Regulation of economics  environmental pollution in rural areas  Low-carbon economy  environmental regulation tools
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