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肖建华 (江西财经大学 财税与公共管理学院江西 南昌330013) 
中文关键词:社会性基本公共服务  DEA分析法  技术效率  规模效率
The Efficiency of Fiscal Input on Basic Public Service in China: Based on DEA Methods
Abstract:The fiscal input efficiency on education, Health and social insurance is regional different. The situation concerning effective DEA, less DEA and non-effective DEA is different in every province. The change path is also different according to the different situations of increasing returns to scale, constant returns to scale and diminishing return to scale. The regional gap is much big according to the technical efficiency and purer technical efficiency, those of the east is higher than those of the midwest which is lower than the average. Therefore, we should expand fiscal input in public service and employ different input strategies according to the different situations.
keywords:Basic public service  DEA Methods  Technical efficiency  Scale efficiency
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