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赵立祥,苗琦 (北京工业大学 经济与管理学院北京100124) 
中文关键词:油价  私家车使用  家庭年人均收入  年均行驶里程
The Impacts of the Increase of Gasoline Price on the Private Cars Use in Beijing
Abstract:Using logistic regression model, the research has been done on the impacts of the increase of gasoline price on the private car use in Beijing. The results show that the responses from private car owners to gasoline price are influenced by income and mileage. The higher income and the longer mileage, the less sensitive the private car owners are to the gasoline price. In this paper, the forecast also been done to describe the different responses from different drivers when the gasoline price reaches 10 yuan per liter.
keywords:Gasoline Prices  Private Cars Use  Annual Family Income  Average Annual Mileage
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