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刘晓兰,谭璐,伍昱铭 (1.湖南大学 金融与统计学院, 湖南 长沙410079
2.长沙市天心区审计局,湖南 长沙410004) 
中文关键词:外汇储备  协整分析  VAR模型  误差修正模型
An Empirical Research on the Dynamical Relationship between the Scale of Foreign Exchange Reserves and CPI in China
Abstract:This paper focuses on dynamical process and linkage between the scale of China's foreign exchange reserves and CPI with monthly data. The empirical results testify that there are reciprocal cause-and-effect and long-term cointegration relations between the scale of China's foreign exchange reserves and CPI. As for short term relations, it indicates that fluctuations in the scale of foreign exchange reserves make positive knock-on effects on CPI in China. Furthermore, it reveals the law that the relationship between the scale of China's foreign exchange reserves and CPI changes with the four phases in the innovative process of China's foreign exchange regime. Finally, policy suggestions of weakening the relationship to improve the effectiveness of the monetary policy in China are proposed.
keywords:Foreign Exchange Reserves  Cointegration Analysis  Vector Auto Regressive Model  Error correction Model
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