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王周伟,邬展霞 (1.上海师范大学 金融学院上海〓200234
〓2.上海对外贸易学院 会计学院,上海〓201620) 
中文关键词:GARCH-VaR模型  LA-VaR模型  流动性风险调整  综合风险价值
The Dynamic Assessment Model of the Integrated Value at Risk Financial Assets
Abstract:GARCH-VaR model is used to measure market risk value, then days relative volatility is adjusted to the date the LA-VaR.Using the rules of the extension of time, the data are converted into the Integrated Value at Risk, then the full range of dynamic risk assessment model of financial assets value is built. Taking the Chinese stock index futures as samples, the empirical research proves that the model can effectively assess the risk value of financial assets, and is applicable to the final measurement of financial assets at fair value.
keywords:GARCH VaR Model  LA VaR Model  The Adjustment During Realization  The Value at Integrated Risk
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