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张宏彦,张念明 (1. 山西财经大学 财政金融学院山西 太原0300062.中南财经政法大学 财政税务学院湖北 武汉430073) 
中文关键词:税收有效性  征税权  宪法约束  宪政经济学
Tax Efficiency, Tax Jurisdiction and the Constitutional Constraints
Abstract:Tax efficiency on one hand can promote the efficiency, fairness and stability of the society, on the other hand, it maybe impair the structure of property rights. Tax jurisdiction is the political foundatioin of the tax efficiency, and tax representative system which has balance mechanism inside is the practical foundation. However, with the growth of interest grounp, tax representative system has being a kind of majority alliance which is depriving the minority of their rights. To guarantee the tax efficiency, consititutional constrains are needed.
keywords:Tax efficiency  Tax jurisdiction  constitutional constraints  Constitutional Economics
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