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侯旭华 (湖南商学院 会计学院湖南 长沙410205) 
中文关键词:担保合同  准备金  公允价值  充足性测试  计量
A Study on the Measurement Methods of the Fair Value for the Guarantee Reserve
Abstract:At present, the guarantee reserve is withdrawn according to a fixed ratio in the guarantee companies in China, which goes against its contingency. The guarantee reserve is essentially a contingent liability which should be measured by fair value. To be specific, for the withdrawal of unearned premium reserve, the model of unearned premium can be used for short-term guarantee contract, and the method of three-factors for long-term guarantee contract. As for the withdrawal of guarantee claim reserve, the commonly adopted methods are as follows: estimating according to each case, according to the average value or according to loss ratio. Meanwhile, increase the claim expense reserve.
keywords:Guarantee Contract  Reserve  Fair Value  Adequacy Test  Measure
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