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李正辉,蒋赞 (湖南大学 金融与统计学院湖南 长沙410079) 
中文关键词:金融集聚  信息不对称  规模经济  政府政策
Research on Financial Agglomeration based on Provincial Panel Data
Abstract:Using the panel data, the empirical analysis on the driving factors of financial agglomeration has been done. The research shows that asymmetric information, scale economics and government politics have significant impacts on the financial agglomeration. And the influences from information and scale economics are much more significant than those from politics, which means it is the market power that is the main driving factor of financial agglomeration. Moreover, the financial patterns in the east areas and the west areas are impacted more by asymmetric information, while those in the central areas are mainly impacted by politics.
keywords:Financial agglomeration  Asymmetric information  economics of Scale  politics
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