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李强 (1.南京大学 经济学院,江苏 南京210093
2.安徽科技学院 财经学院,安徽 蚌埠233100) 
中文关键词:基础设施投资  教育支出  误差修正模型
Infrastructure Investment, Education Expenditure and Economic Growth: The Empirical analysis of “Crowding out Effect” of Infrastructure Investment
Abstract:The theoritical model has been built in the paper to test the effects of infrastructure investment and education expenditure on economic growth. Then the “crowding out effect” of infrastructure investment on the human capital accumulation has been discussed by the model. Using the data from 1980 to 2010, test has been done by the error correction model. The results show that there is “crowding out effect” of infrastructure investment on human capital accumulation, and human capital investment has produced more driving force of economic growth than infrastructure investment. The effects of infrastructure investment on economic growth are different from region to region.
keywords:Infrastructure investment  Education expenditure  Error correction model
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