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王军杰 (四川大学 法学院四川 成都610065) 
中文关键词:农业  国内支持法律制度  农业法  完善与重构
The Reconstruction of the Legal System of Agricultural Domestic Support
Abstract:Since the accession to the WTO,the level of agricultural domestic support has increased.In the framework of domestic support,the“green box” is the main body,“yellow box” is subsidiary to the “green box”,and “blue box” is taken as the backup.At present,the measures of support only can be found in poliay documents or rules,which means they have not been involved into the legislation.Therefore,it is looking forward to establishing a set of scientific,long term and stable agricultural domestic legal system which is very important to promote the sustainable development of agriculture.
keywords:Agriculture  Domestic support legal system  Agriculture law  Reconstruction
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