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程柯,程立 (1.南京大学 商学院江苏 南京2100932.上海第二工业大学 经济管理学院上海201209) 
中文关键词:新会计准则  利润表  新增项目  价值相关性  价格模型
Research on Value Relevance of Newly Formulated Items in Income Statements under New Accounting Standards——The Empirical Evidence from Chinese Non financial A share Listed Companies
Abstract:y the price model, taking the non financial companies in A share stock market as sample, the value relevance has been analyzed on the new items in the income statement under New Accounting Standards (NAS). It is found that the value relevence has increased significantly since the implement of NAS. Further investigations demonstrate that, Losses on Impairment of Assets has more value relevance than Gains from Changes in Fair Value has. Compared to the old Accounting Standards, the information quality of Losses on Impairment of Assets has been improved. Information increments of value relevance mainly come from other traditional items, not from Losses on Impairment of Assets. The item of Gains from Changes in Fair Value has not received a significant market reaction for investors comparatively.
keywords:New Accounting Standards(NAS)  Income statements  New items  Value relevance  Price model
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