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杨卫平,陆凤顺 (湖南大学 金融与统计学院湖南 长沙410006) 
中文关键词:利益相关者  投保人利益  博弈
Game Analysis on the Policyholder and the Insurer based on Stakeholders' Theory
Abstract:Many insurance companies in China aim to pursue short time marginal profits, which leads to the interest conflict problems between insurers and policyholders. Through game analysis, it is clear that the policyholders' interest is closely related to the long time development of insurance companies because the policyholder is the major stakeholder of the insurance companies. If their interest had not been protected efficiently for a long time, the policyholders would choose to quit from the insurance market. So, the conflicts will damage the reputation and market image of insurance companies, and therefore will threaten the long term healthy development of insurance industry.
keywords:Stakeholders  Policyholder's interest  Game theory
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