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蓝虹 (中国人民大学 环境学院,北京100872) 
中文关键词:项目融资  赤道原则  利益相关者互动机制  基本原则
The Fundamental Rules for Implementing Stakeholder Engagement Mechanism based on Equator Principles
Abstract:Equator principle is the international standard for identification, assessment and management of environmental and social risk on project finance. Equator principles stress stakeholder engagement mechanism in order to identify environmental and social risk and to improve the security of lending bank's credit asset. According to the international good practices,it should be better if lending bank comply with following principles when they implement equator principle: the stakeholder engagement mechanism should fit in with the project's environmental category and scale; should be throughout project's all life circle; should stick in information disclosure, consultation, and complaints mechanism; should respect the law, regulation, and culture of host country. China's bank should establish stakeholder engagement mechanism according to these principles to promote the quality of project finance.
keywords:Projuect financing  Equator principle  Stakeholder engagement mechanism  Fundamental rule
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