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吕伟,佘名元,陈丽花 (南京大学 会计系江苏 南京210093) 
中文关键词:商业战略  产权安排  避税行为
Strategy Choice,Property Right and Tax Avoidance
Abstract:Companies' business level strategy will determine their attitudes to business risks, which have some impacts on their tax avoidance behaviors. In the paper, the analysis has been done on the relationship between business level strategy and tax avoidance. It is found that compared with the companies with prospector strategy, the companies with defender strategy are more passive in practice tax avoidance, which means that companies with defender strategy believe that the cost and uncertainty caused by the aggressive tax planning has exceed the earnings led by tax avoidance. It is also found that the phenomenon above mainly happens in state owner enterprises because of the absence of tax incentives there.
keywords:Business level strategy  Property right  Tax avoidance
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