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何玉,王开田 (南京财经大学 会计学院, 江苏 南京210046) 
中文关键词:政府财务信息  互联网  评估模型  决定因素
Online Disclosure of Government Financial Information:Valuation Model and Determinants
Abstract:It is urgent to establish a transparent government and enhance the transparency of government finance information through Internet. The evaluation model of online disclosure of government financial information has been established, then the model is used to find the determinants. The results show that the scale and type of government, and its financial conditions are significantly positively related with its transparency, however, the living standards of residents and the budget of the government have no influence on the transparency of government. It is hoped that the research can provide an excellent practice guide to the online disclosure of government financial information.
keywords:Government financial information  Internet  Valuation model  Determinants
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