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徐海云 (江西财经大学 金融与统计学院, 江西 南昌330013) 
中文关键词:谱分析  HP滤波  Granger因果性
The Relationship between Money Supply and Consumption Volatility:Evidence from Frequency Domain Perspective
Abstract:Using the monthly data from the recent 30 years in China, the correlation effects from different money supply on consumption volatility has been analyzed from the perspective of frequency domain. The spectral analysis results show that there are different cycle fluctuations existing in money supply and consumption volatility, and that M0 has the most closely associated with the consumption, and the classical promises of M1 and M2 are proved in China. Moreover, time lag exists between different strata of money supply and consumption volatility.
keywords:Spectral analysis  Hodrick Prescott filter  Granger causality
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