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刘益灯,沈常阳 (中南大学 法学院湖南 长沙410083) 
中文关键词:国际并购行为  反垄断法  法律规制
International Mergers and Acquisitions Law from the Perspective of the Antitrust Law
Abstract:With the further development of economic globalization, the form of capital flows is becoming more diverse. It is the International Mergers and Acquisitions (M&G) that the most important trend in this wave. Our legal system on international M&G should be improved by strategically transplanting advanced experiences of Europe and the United States according to China's National Conditions. The operability of the Antitrust Law on international M&G should be strengthened. The achievement of the positive effects of international M&G can promote our economy.
keywords:International Mergers and Acquisitions  Antitrust Law  Law
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