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杨湘豫,高楠楠 (1.湖南大学 数学与计量经济学院湖南 长沙410082
2.广州唯品会信息科技有限公司,广东 广州510370) 
中文摘要:结合Copula技术和GARCH模型,建立了投资组合的Copula-GARCH模型。由于该模型可以捕捉金融市场间的非线性相关性,因而可用于投资组合的风险分析中。利用这个模型,并结合Markowitz的投资组合选择模型,对我国的一支开放式基金〖CD2〗中信红利精选股票型证券投资基金投资组合的选择进行了优化,本文应用lingo 8.0,在收益率一定的情况下, 得到了风险(VaR)最小的投资组合。
中文关键词:Copula-GARCH模型  开放式基金  投资组合选择  VaR
Empirical Analysis about Portfolio selection of Copula
Abstract:In this paper, Copula and the forecast function of GARCH model are well combined, and a Copula-GARCH model is built for risk analysis of portfolio investment as it can describe the dependency structure of multi dimension random variable. By this model and Markowitz'portfolio selection model, empirical portfolio selection analysis is made in Chinese open end funds. The portfolio with minimum VaR when the yield is given is get by lingo8.0 .
keywords:Copula GARCH model  open end funds  portfolio selection  Value at risk
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