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刘晓剑,张强 (湖南大学 金融与统计学院湖南 长沙410079) 
中文关键词:信用评级机构  政府监管  演化博弈  动态复制
Evolutionary Dynamics of an Asymmetric Game between CRAs and Relating Regulators
Abstract:The worldwide financial crisis shows us again the importance and indispensability of the regulation on the crediting rating agencies. Under the conditions of limited rationality, these are five equilibrium points in the replication system of game between credit rating agencies and regulators. And in four different situations, it closes to different equilibriums. The results prove that four ways can be used by regulators to control the illegal behaviors of credit rating agencies, including imposing severe penalty, prompting reputational constraint, bridging the revenue gap between illegal and legal behaviors and improving the regulation efficiency.
keywords:Credit rating agencies  Government regulation  Evolutionary game  Dynamic replication
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