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安毅,常清,赵思琦 (中国农业大学 中国期货与金融衍生品研究中心北京100083) 
中文关键词:人民币远期汇率  定价权  人民币NDF  利率平价  汇率制度改革
On RMB Forward Pricing during the Chine's Foreign Exchange System Reform
Abstract:After analyzing the relationship among RMB non-deliverable forward exchange rate,interest rate parity and onshore forward exchange rate,it is found that the existence of offshore RMB non-deliverable forward(NDF) market weaken the pricing power of RMB forward rate,although interest rate parity system has some effects on the forward rate. To strengthen internal RMB pricing power, China should not only reform the interest rate and foreign exchange system but also encourage the finance innovation.
keywords:Forward exchange rate of RMB  Pricing power  RMB NDF  Interest rate parity  Exchange system reform
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