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李松龄,李丽纯 (1.湖南大学 经济与贸易学院湖南 长沙4100792.中共长沙市委党校,湖南 长沙410004) 
中文关键词:劳动价值论  收入分配  市场调节  政府作为
The Market Adjustment and the Government Interventionof Income Distribution
Abstract:The method of the comparatively dynamic analysis develops a new vision of the Marxist Theory of Labor Value. Business owners have two sources of income:one is holding some of the surplus value created by workers through the purchase and use of labor; the other is holding excess profits coming from a higher prices through the production and sale of goods. These two sources of income widened the income gap between business owners and workers. However, there are three essential reasons for the income gap: Firstly, the imperfect market mechanism, Secondly, inadequate laws and regulations, Finally, non-equilibrium market. Government as a supplement to the market to adjust income distribution, must develop appropriate strategies for the three essential reasons.
keywords:Theory of Labor Value  Income distribution  Market adjustment  Government regulation
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