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丁浩,刘若斯,徐晓敏 (1. 澳门科技大学 行政与管理学院澳门9990782. 中国农业银行 太仓支行江苏 太仓215400) 
中文关键词:多项式样条函数  零息票收益率曲线  利率期限结构
Zero-Coupon Bond Yield Curve in China Based on Polynomial Spline Functions
Abstract:Zero-coupon bond yield curve is the basis of term structure of interest rates. It plays an important role in financial pricing and risk management. Considering the frequency of interest payment and the situation of sampling date between interest payment dates, the general process of constructing the zero coupon bond yield curve is given based on polynomial spline functions. In response to the problem that the regression coefficients are not significant, a model excluding not-significant variables is given. The applicability of the two methods to determine the spline knots is discussed as well as the stability of the model. Using the bond data from Shanghai Stock Exchange, the empirical analysis shows that the cubic spline model with three knots excluding not-significant variables is more accurate and closer to the reality in China.
keywords:Polynomial spline function  Zero-coupon bond’s yield curve  Term structure of interest rates
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