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陈双,曾令华 (湖南大学 金融与统计学院湖南 长沙410079) 
中文关键词:公开信息法规  银行融资  市场融资  资金配置效率
The Impact on the Securities Market and Capital Allocation Efficiency from the “Public Information Laws”
Abstract:A “competitive economic system” model with special factors such as moral hazard and project quality was introduced to analyze the business equilibrium before and after the introduction of “Public Information Laws”. The result shows that the law can promote the development of the securities market. However, the law making the market investors can get access to the benefits of the project review without spending any of cost, this may reduce bankers motivation for project review. Hence, may reduce the efficiency of capital allocation.
keywords:Public information laws  Bank finance  Market finance  Capital allocation efficiency
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