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王显勇 (1.清华大学 法学院北京100084
2.首都经济贸易大学 法学院北京100070) 
中文关键词:社会保险  社会保险统筹基金  法定信托  社会保险法
Studies on the Legal Nature and Operation of Social Security Funds
Abstract:The development of China's social insurance system requires the accurate definition of the legal nature and operation of social security funds. For the legal nature of social pool funds, there are academic points of view such as public funds, financial funds, half of fiscal funds and so on. Social pool funds should be part of the financial revenue, and belong to the state. Trust management and authorized management are two methods to operate the social pool funds, and our current legal system should be further improved.
keywords:Social insurance  Social security funds  Trust  Social insurance law
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