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刘华容 (1.湖南大学 经济与贸易学院湖南 长沙4100792.湖南工程学院 经济管理学院,湖南 湘潭411101) 
中文关键词:资本缺失  农村贫困  向“三农”倾斜  城乡同步发展
Research on the Formation Mechanism of Chinese Rural Poverty Owing to Lack of Society Capital
Abstract:Research on the formation mechanism of the rural poverty can provide effective ideas for anti-poverty project. Lack of social capital is an important cause of Chinese rural poverty: the lack of economic, political and equity social capital for the rural poor reduces their physical capital and human capital levels, and makes the poor into the trap of poverty vicious cycle by limiting their revenue enhance ability. Therefore, the government should eliminate the lack of social capital for the rural poor by building a equitable economic development platform, and expanding the political discourse potence and consummating rural social security system and so on.
keywords:Social capital  Chinese rural poverty  Formation mechanism  Poverty vicious cycle
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