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刘海庆,高凌江 (1.中国人民大学 公共管理学院,北京100872
北京1000243.中国社会科学院 财政与贸易研究所博士后流动站北京100024) 
中文关键词:税制结构  税收负担  Panel VAR  经济增长
An Impulse Response Analysis on the Relationship among Tax Structures, Tax Burden and Growth in China Based on 30 provinces's Panel VAR Model
Abstract:This paper uses Panel Vector Auto-regression Model and Impulse response function analysis the relationship between tax structures and economic growth over the period 1994~2008 for 30 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) in China, the results indict that, the economic growth improves the tax structures and tax burden, but improvement of tax structures and tax burden did not hampered economic growth. So increase the proportion of direct taxes and tax burden not only be able to adjust the gap between the rich and the poor and increases social disharmonious, but also can boost economic growth by increasing government spending and consumption rate.
keywords:Tax structures  Tax burden  Panel VAR  Economic growth
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