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于海云 (苏州大学 商学院,江苏 苏州215021) 
中文关键词:内部控制质量  信用模式  企业价值
Quality of Internal Controls,Credit Model and Enterprise Value: An Empirical Analysis by Shenzhen A-share Listed Companies
Abstract:There are close links between the corporate internal controls and enterprise value, the effective and efficient internal controls impact on the enterprise value. Companies with high quality internal control have motivation to disclosure high quality internal controls to the market to transmit the high market value. Because of the signal transduction effect, businesses are easier to get commercial credit and bank credit loans to enhance the corporate value, while low quality internal control companies have no incentive to disclose internal control information, which had to pay higher debt financing costs then reduce the enterprise value.
keywords:Quality of internal controls  Credit model  Enterprise value
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