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陆静 (重庆大学 经济与工商管理学院重庆400030) 
中文关键词:巴塞尔III  资本协议  商业银行  金融监管  宏观审慎
The Impact of Basel III Capital Accord on the Banking in China
Abstract:Analyzing the main ideas and contents of Basel III, implementing the standard of financial supervision, how the new indexes effect the banking in both short and long term has been measured by the data from 17 listed commercial banks in 2010. The study shows that no matter from capital adequacy ratio or from leverage ratio, the capital gaps of banking in China are small in short term, however huge in long term. Therefore, all regulators should reinforce the cooperation and pay more attention to the influences on economic development and capital market while implementing Basel III.
keywords:Capital accord  Commercial banking  Financial supervision  Macro-prudential regulation
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