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王宇峰 (湖南大学 工商管理学院湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:R&D支出  信息披露  价格模型  价值相关性
Research on the Value Relevance of the Disclosure of R&D Expenditure
Abstract:The disclosure of R&D expenditure is helpful for the investors to know the input level of R&D and technology strength, so as to predict the future profitability and development potential and to have a good judgment of the company value. On the basis of analyzing the present situation of the disclosure of R&D expenditure after the implementation of new intangible accounting standards, the value relevance of R&D expenditure and its disclosure is analyzed in this paper. The research finds that stock price selectively absorbs the information of capitalized R&D expenditure and expensed R&D expenditure, and the information disclosure quality of R&D expenditure have significant influence on the stock price, so improve the disclosure quality of R&D will improve the value relevance of accounting information.
keywords:R&D Expenditure  Information Disclosure  Price Model  Value Relevance
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