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王涛,余劲松 (1 重庆大学 经济与工商管理学院,重庆4000302 西南政法大学 经济学院,重庆401120) 
中文关键词:股票市场  执法活动  上市公司  治理
An Empirical Study on the Effect of Law Enforcement Environment on the Corporate Governance of the Listed Companies in China
Abstract:Corporate governance is crucial to the improvement of the quality of the listed companies and to the development of stock market. In the past two decades, the development of stock market has achieved great progress, but the average level of corporate governance is unsatisfactory. In this paper, three indexes as following are used to evaluate the law enforcement environment: the number that how many the listed companies have been litigated, the number that how many listed companies have been fined by Securities Regulatory Commission (SRC) or by over two exchanges, and lawyer number per ten thousand citizens in a certain place. The effect of law enforcement environment on the corporate governance has been analyzed using the regional panel data during 2004 to 2007. The results show that corporate governance is positive related to legal awareness, while is negative related to administrative law enforcement activities by SRC. However, the effect from law enforcement committed by courts is weak.
keywords:Stock Market  Law Enforcement  Listed Companies  Corporate Governance
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