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胡国柳,李伟铭,张长海,蒋顺才 (1.海南大学 经济与管理学院海南 海口5702282.西南财经大学 博士后流动站四川 成都6100743.财富证券湖南 长沙410005) 
中文关键词:股权分置  公司治理  股利分配  股票股利
Share Splitting,Corporate Governance and Dividend Policy: Cash Dividends or Stock Dividend?
Abstract:Based on the data of listed companies from 2004 to 2007, both the theoretical and empirical analysis on dividend distribution decision of listed companies in China before and after the share splitting reform have been done using LOGISTIC regression. The results show that, after the share splitting reform, stock dividend distribution has been a more popular way. The bigger percentage of stock that the first and second largest shareholders have held, and bigger size of board of directors, the companies more tend to issue the cash dividends. Nevertheless, the more percentage of stock are held by the institutional investors, the companies are more willing to issue stock dividends. At the same time, companies with strong growth ability tend to issue stock dividends, while companies with good cash flow often do not issue stock dividends. And firm size has nothing to do with the stock distribution decisions.
keywords:Share Splitting  Corporate Governance  Dividend Distribution  Stock Dividend
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