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殷俊,刘爽 (1.中央财经 大学经济学院北京1000812. 大公国际资信评估有限公司北京100125) 
中文关键词:宏观审慎监管  金融稳健  压力测试
The Application of Stress Testing in Banking System under Macro-prudential Regulation
Abstract:The foreign research on macro stress test of banking system was already systemic. The global financial crisis made it clear that stress test was important for macro-prudential regulation. United States and European Union have developed the stress testing practices to strength the macro-prudential regulation of banking system. They have a lot of experiences on the aspects of application scope, stress scenario and method of stress test. As to our country, the database of macro-prudential regulation should be established, the efficiency and transparency of stress testing must be improved.
keywords:Macro-prudential Regulation  Financial Stability  Stress Testing
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