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李小明,王红伟 (湖南大学 法学院湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:反垄断法  公法  刑事责任  听证程序  公益诉讼
Modification and Improvement of the Antitrust Law in the Public Prospective
Abstract:Anti-trust law is known as the “economic constitution”, and its fundamental objective is to protect public interests.With its administrative enforcement approach, serious illegal monopoly will bear mandatory liabilities.Therefore, antitrust law is a law with the nature of public law Examination on this law of current China,we found that there are absences of criminal liability of serious illegal monopoly, public hearing in the execulive procedures,and public interest litigation. These mean that the law should be modificated and improved by borrowing experience from laws from other countries and analysing the cases of China.
keywords:Anti-trust Law  Public Law  Criminal Liability  Public Hearing  Public Interest Litigation
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