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蔡四平,张强 (1.湖南商学院 财政金融学院湖南 长沙410205
2.湖南大学 金融统计学院湖南 长沙410079) 
中文关键词:城乡统筹  长株潭  金融体制创新
The Research on Innovation of Financial System in Changzhutan on the Background of the Coordination of Urban and Rural Development
Abstract:Three main problems—the obstacles in urban financial system, the underdevelopment of rural finance, and the trend of widening distance between urban and rural economic growth—have hindered the coordination of Changzhutan. To resolve these problems, further innovation should be taken place in financial trade system, organizational structure and security system in ChangZhuTan. So a regional financial market which suit to the market economy will on its way.
keywords:Coordination of urban and rural  ChangZhuTan  Innovation of financial system
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