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沈庆劼 (天津财经大学 金融学院天津300222) 
中文关键词:监管资本套利  套利收益归宿  隐性套利收益  监管套利顾客  柠檬市场
Equilibrium of Regulatory Capital Arbitrage in Banking
Abstract:Regulatory capital arbitrage which grows out of the default of Basal is an action that raises the capital rate without change of the real risk, relay on the differences or inconformity between the accords. This paper discuses the allocation of gains between bank and the demand side of fund from regulatory capital arbitrage, the mode and the allocation of the implicit arbitrage gains to the demand and supply side of one asset which result from regulatory capital arbitrage of the other asset,adverse selection between arbitrageurs and un-arbitrageurs with information asymmetry. Result shows that the regulators should guide the regulatory capital arbitrage accord with the purpose of the regulators'.
keywords:Regulatory Capital Arbitrage  Arbitrage Gains Distribution  Implicit Arbitrage Gains  Capital Arbitrage Customer  Lemons Market
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